Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6
When we were yet sinners we didn’t desire God. We were not after God at all.
It is only after we received Christ as Lord and saviour we came to normal life.
In the natural life, the loss of appetite is considered to be the sign and symptom of sickness and abnormality. And the appetite for food and drink is the sign of normal health situation. A sick person loses his appetite.
In the same way, the hunger and thirst for the things of God show that we are on the right track in the kingdom of God. And the loss of appetite shows some form of abnormality.
The moment we think that we don’t need any more hunger for righteousness that is a danger sign. If we think we have arrived, that is a dangerous position in the kingdom. The moment we lose the appetite for more of righteousness, we get weaker and weaker. When we don’t have the appetite for righteousness we will not have a place for the word of God which is useful for training in righteousness.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The hunger and thirst for righteousness are one of the blessings of the kingdom of God.
Seeking for more of God is a blessing. Hunger for righteousness is a sign of good health. Blessed is the man who wants to live for God and for Him only.
Desiring to please Him more and more is a blessing. Giving ourselves more and more is blessedness. Wanting to commit ourselves more is the sign of being free from sickness. A normal Christian is expected to seek God more and more in life.
Hunger and thirst for something else can be a sign of good health but for righteousness is. We cannot be sure that hunger and thirst for other things are satisfied but for righteousness. Any hunger and thirst can be disappointed except that of for righteousness.
Having the hunger and thirst must satisfy us as our
only responsibility is the hunger and thirst and the satisfying is God’s part.
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I am a born again christian passionate to teach the word of God in simplicity.
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