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Friday, December 29, 2023

Faith is a Lifestyle


Faith is a Lifestyle 

Faith is not a one-time activity; it is a way of life. 

If one wants to succeed in life, faith must be their way of living. Understanding faith is necessary. 

One also needs to put effort into achieving it. In order to keep our faith healthy and safe, we must tend to its seeds. It must be gradually grown. 

So every day practice is required. 

Some individuals try to force faith to work once in a while and then forget about it. They attempt to live their lives as they like and only turn to their faith when they feel it is necessary. That isn't how faith functions. Everyday faith practice is required. Our lives must regularly remain in the context of the word that inspires faith. 


Samson didn't mean business. He wanted to unleash his power one day when he realised his enemies were encircling him. But he was unable to. It had been a long time since he had left the atmosphere. He was unable to control God's strength as he would have desired. Because he was not living the lifestyle, he was unaware that the power of God had long since abandoned him. He paid the ultimate price for neglecting this constant practice.

Faith is a lifestyle. It is only when we practice it regularly that it is strengthened. And it will be ready when we need it the most. 

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa 

ነገር ግን። ዓይን ያላየችው ጆሮም ያልሰማው በሰውም ልብ ያልታሰበው እግዚአብሔር ለሚወዱት ያዘጋጀው ተብሎ እንድተጻፈ፥ እንዲህ እንናገራለን። 1ኛ ወደ ቆሮንቶስ ሰዎች 2:9