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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Matrimonial Earthly Mission


Understanding God's special purpose in marriage from God's word is crucial. Achieving the purpose of marriage's first establishment by God himself is an unparalleled life responsibility.

Marriage is God's design. Marriage is not man made. Marriage wasn’t established as a solution to a human problem. Marriage is an original plan of God that was planned in connection with the creation of man. Marriage was instituted as soon as human beings were created.

God believes in marriage. God believes that two different people, two upbringings, two cultures, two families, a man and a woman, united in love, can reflect God's love to the world through marriage. God believes that marriage works. God prepared every provision for marriage and gave marriage to people. God gave marriage Marriage is a gift from God.

God gave grace and love to human beings so that marriage could work. God gave everything needed for marriage to flourish and achieve the purpose it was originally created for.

Marriage is God's very own idea, and God will always fully support marriage in every way. Man should humble himself before God's idea, for God will support marriage with all his might. Man shouldn’t reject God's idea of marriage out of selfishness. As long as man cooperates with God in humility, God supports his own institution, marriage, with everything he has.

This is the written account of Adam’s family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them, male and female, and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created. Genesis 5:1-2

The purpose of marriage is to show and reflect the full image of God in the characteristics of strength and tenderness of the husband and wife, respectively.

God created man and woman in his own image. Both males and females reflect the full image of God.

A man reflects God's strength, discipline, and leadership, while a woman reflects God's compassion, love, forgiveness, and care. The full image of God in man and woman is reflected in the union of marriage.

It is the marriage of husband and wife that fully reflects God.

The marriage of a man and a woman is a reflection of the relationship and unity of Christ and the Church as well.

After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:29-32

God is a God of purpose. Marriage has its own purpose on earth.

Marriage speaks of God's presence in silence.

Marriage speaks of God's love in silence.

Marriage speaks of God's patience in silence.

Marriage silently speaks of the unity of Christ and the church.

Satan opposes anything that speaks of God and reminds us of God’s existence. This is why Satan seeks to destroy the full image of God found in marriage.

Satan knows that there is only a short time left to destroy this image of God from the face of the earth. He is out to erase the image of God reflected in marriage from the face of the earth in great anger. Christ defeated Satan on the cross. He will not succeed in destroying God's male and female images reflected in marriage as long as we humbly work with God to honour his institution of marriage.

In the midst of a generation that doubts and denies the existence of God, we show our love for God's existence when we treat our marriage as God's mission. We shouldn’t lose a sense of mission in marriage.

We use the marriage that God has given us to carry out our mission for the kingdom of God and reflect the relationship and unity of Christ and the church. We glorify God among a generation that doubts the existence of God and the true church of Jesus Christ.

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

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