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Friday, May 12, 2023

Many More Attacks are Spiritual Than We Think


Live soberly and be vigilant, for the devil, who is not your partner, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist it steadfastly in faith, knowing that your brothers in the world will suffer all that suffering. 1 Peter 5:8–9.

The battle of the spiritual world is real. There is a fierce battle in the spiritual world. The enemy of life, Satan the Devil, fights.

But often, when things go wrong, we don't think about the spiritual battle. We want to interpret the problem and solve it first through science or culture. Or we are tempted to interpret it in terms of behaviour or psychology.

We only start thinking that it is a spiritual battle, after we fail to interpret and solve the problem in many different ways.

But more attacks in our lives are spiritual than we think. Satan fights us more than we can imagine in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes it comes to attack us in every way that we think he won't come through.

We must know that Satan will come back to us in other areas of our lives, even if he leaves us for a while. The Devil leaves us for a while after he leaves Jesus for a while after he tests him. We have to be alert. The more we wake up, the less he misleads us. The more we are awake, the more we will be victorious because we will fight him back hard.

For we are not unaware of his schemes. 2 Corinthians 2:11

If we understand how diligently the devil is trying to attack us, either directly or indirectly, we will not give in to him.

and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:27

We must wake up knowing that we are in a constant battle.

It requires us to constantly resist the devil's attacks in our lives in the name of Jesus Christ.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

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