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Friday, February 12, 2021

Love Beyond Valentine’s Day


Love is the most important virtue. It must

be celebrated. Love shouldn’t be celebrated on a day of a year. Love should be celebrated all 365 days of a year.

The reason that we shouldn’t be pressurized to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day is that we have ample time to celebrate love for the rest of the days. We can spread our love every day of the year.

In fact, it is easier to celebrate love once a year. And it isn’t easy to celebrate love every day of the year.

It is easier to celebrate love when there is an atmosphere of love and everyone is celebrating it. It is easier to celebrate love in the firework. But it is possible.

Likewise, it isn’t easy to continue loving when we have to create the atmosphere ourselves.

Actually, the people we love need our love the most in the other 364 days of the year.

They need our love when they are at their lowest. They need our love when they are weak. They need our love when it is difficult for them to accept themselves. Likewise, they need our love when it is difficult for them to accept our love. They need our love when they have low self-esteem. They need our love when they need our forgiveness.

They need our love the more when they have a bad attitude. Likewise, they need our love when they don’t listen to us. Likewise, they need our love when they reject us. They need our love when we are tempted to hate them. They need our love when they don't feel lovable. They need our love when they complain without a valid reason. Furthermore, they need our love when they are too proud to accept us.

They need our love when only their well-being motivates us. They need our love when they can’t pay us back with love. Likewise, they need our love when we don’t like when they think say and do.

Real love isn’t tested in a day. Real love is tested every day. True love isn’t tested in a high light Real love is tested in low light.

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

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