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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Fatherhood Spirit


Fatherhood is a spirit. It is not just being the father of a child. Fatherhood is an attitude toward the people we father. Fatherhood is an action.

It takes provision. Father is a provider. A father is the foundation of the family supply. My father is a protector. He protects the children by putting himself in a risky situation. Fathers look out for danger. They avoid danger as much as possible. They face it head-on if it comes their way.

Fathers make disciplinary actions. They are not too soft to take disciplinary action. They are firm enough not to let children go astray for lack of discipline.

Fathers are models of decision-making. Fathers make decisions at the right time. They don’t lead too fast or too slow.

Fathers know how to stretch those they father to bring out their potential. And they know how not to irritate their children. Fathers, do not provoke your children (Ephesians 6:4).

Fathers know how to teach their children diligently. They know how to be a good model for them in life. Fathers know they are just stewards, not owners. Fathers diligently find and acknowledge their kids' potential and nurture it. Fathers don’t force their own ambitions on their children's lives.

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

For More Articles https://www.facebook.com/abiy.dinsa.37/

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Sunday, June 19, 2022

ወዮልሽ! ንጉሥሽ ሕፃን የሆነ


ንጉሥሽ ሕፃን የሆነ፥ መኳንንቶችሽም ማልደው የሚበሉ፥ አንቺ አገር ሆይ፥ ወዮልሽ! ንጉሥሽ የከበረ ልጅ የሆነ፥ ለብርታት እንጂ ለስካር ያይደለ በጊዜ የሚበሉ መኳንንት ያሉሽ፥ አንቺ አገር ሆይ፥ የተመሰገንሽ ነሽ። መጽሐፈ መክብብ 10:16-17

ሰው በመሪነቱ የሚንፀባረቀው በህይወቱ ቅድሚያ የሚሰጠው ነገር ነው፡፡ የሰው የመሪነቱ ከፍታ ከህይወቱ ከፍታ በላይ ሊሆን አይችልም፡፡

በሳልነት ለቤተሰብ ፣ ለቤተክርስትያን እንዲሁም ለሃገር መሪነት እጅግ ወሳዕ ነገር ነው፡፡ ንጉስሽ ህፃን የሆነ ብሎ የሚለው ስላላደገ ስላልበሰለ ሰው ነው፡፡ በየደረጃው ያለ መሪነት ብስለትን ይጠይቃል፡፡ ሰው መሪ የሚሆነው በበሰለበት ደረጃ ብቻ ነው፡፡

የሰው በሳልነቱ የሚለካው ደግሞ በህይወቱ ዋጋ በሚሰጠው ነገር ነው፡፡ ሰው ለመብላት ለመጠጣት ለመዝናናት አልተፈጠረም፡፡ ሰው የተፈጠረው ለማገልገል ለመውደድ እና ለመጥቀም ነው፡፡ ሰው በህይወቱ ዋጋ የሚሰጠው ነገር መብላት መጠጣት መዝናናት ከሆነ በሳል ያልሆነ ያላደገ ሰው ነው ማለት ነው፡፡

ሰው ብስለቱ የሚለካው በህይወቱ ዋጋ በሚሰጠው ነገር ነው፡፡ ሰው ሁልጊዜ ስለ ፍቅር ፣ ስለ አገልግሎት እና ሌሎችን ስለመጥቀም የሚያስብ ከሆነ የበሰለ ሰው ነው ማለት ነው፡፡ ሰው ግን በመብላት ፣ በመጠጣት እንዲሁም ለራሱ መጠቀም ላይ የሚያተኩር ከሆነ የተፈጠረበትን አላማ በትክክል ያልተረዳ ያልበሰለ ሰው ነው ማለት ነው፡፡

ሰው በህይወቱ ዋጋ የሚሰጠው ነገር ራሱን እንዲገዛ ያደርገዋል፡፡ ሰው በህይወቱ ዋጋ የሚሰጠውን ነገር በትክክል ሲያውቅ ለአገልግሎት እና ለፍቅር ሲባል ጊዜያዊ ደስታ ይቆይ ሊል ይችላል፡፡ ሰው በህይወቱ ዋጋ የሚሰጠው ነገር ጊዜያዊ ሲሆን ራስ ወዳድ ስግብግብ ይሆናል፡፡

በሌላ በኩል ንጉስሽ የከበረ ልጅ የሆነ የሚለው ጨዋን ራሱን የሚገዛ እና ጥንቁቅ የሆነን ሰው ነው፡፡ ሰው የሚከብረው እና የሚዋረደው ራሱን በሚይዝበት አያያዝ ነው፡፡ ሰው ራሱን በመልካም ባህሪ በሚገባ ከያዘ የከበረ ልጅ ይባላል፡፡

ረጋ ያለ በመልካም ባህሪ የከበረ ሰው ምልክቱ በመሰረታዊ ፍላጎትና በቅንጦት መካከል ያለውን ልዩነት በመረዳቱ ነው፡፡ የከበረ ሰው ለመሰረታዊ ፍላጎት እንጂ ለቅንጦት ቅድሚያ አይሰጠም፡፡ ምግብ የሚበላውና የሚጠጣው እንኳን ራሱን ደስ ደስ ለማሰኘት ሳይሆን ሌሎችን ለማገልገል ለሰውነቱ ሃይል እና ብርታት ስለሚያስፈልገው ብቻ ነው፡፡ የሚበላው ገንዘብ እንዳለው ሃብታም እንደሆነ እንዲሰማው ሳይሆን ሰውነቱ ለመኖር ምግብ ስለሚያስፈልገው ነው፡፡

የከበረ ሰው ስለራሱ ያለው አመለካት የከበረ እንደሆነ ነው፡፡ የከበረ ሰው ምን ያህል የከበረ እንደሆነ የራሱን ክብር በሚገባ ያውቀዋል፡፡ የከበረ ሰው ምግብ ስላልበላ ለራሱ ያለው አመለካከት አይቀንስም፡፡ የከበረ ጨዋ ሰው ምግብ ስላልበላ ድሃ እንደሆነ አይሰማውም፡፡ የከበረ ሰው ድሃ እንዳልሆነ እንዲሰማው ውድ ሆቴል ገብቶ ምግብ መብላት የለበትም፡፡ የከበረ ሰው ውድ መኪና ካልነዳ ከአለም ወደኋላ እንደቀረ አይሰማውም፡፡ የከበረ ሰው በራሱ ከመርካቱ የተነሳ ውድ ቤት ውስጥ ባይኖርም ምንም የሚቀንስበት ነገር እንደሌለ ያውቃል፡፡

በተቃራኒው ያልከበረ ሰው የህዝብ መሪ መሳፍንት ሲሆን ቅድሚያ የሚሰጠው ህዝቡን በትጋት ማገልገል ሳይሆን ራሱን በቅድሚያ ማስደሰት ነው፡፡ ያልከበረ ሰው በህይወቱ እርካታ ስለሌለው እርካታን የሚፈልገው ከምግብ እና ከመጠጥ ነው፡፡ ያልከበረ ሰው ደስታ ስለሌለው በስካር ራሱን በማደንዘዝ ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡ ያልከበረ ሰው በስሩ ያሉት ብዘዙ ህዝቦች እንዴት እንደሚለወጡ ከማቀድና በትጋት ለመከናወናቸው ከመስራት ይልቅ በአንድ ራሱ ሃሳብ ላይ ተጠምዶ ይኖራል፡፡   

ሌሎች መድረስ የምንችለው እና ሌሎችን ማገልገል የምንችለው ያለኝ ይበቃኛል ባልንበት የህይወት አቅጣጫችን ብቻ ነው፡፡

ህፃን የሆነ ሰው ሲመራ ህዝቡን እግዚአብሄር ወደአየላቸው ቦታ ማድረስ አይችልም እንዲሁም ራስን ስለመካድ ለህዝቡ መልካም ምሳሌ ሊሆናቸው አይችልም፡፡ የብዙ ህዝብን ፍፃሜ የመለወጥ እምቅ ጉልበቱን እና እድሉን በአንድ በራሱ ላይ ብቻ ያባክነዋል፡፡

አቢይ ዋቁማ ዲንሳ Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

ለተጨማሪ ፅሁፎች https://www.facebook.com/abiy.dinsa.37/

ለቪዲዮ መልእክቶች https://www.youtube.com/user/awordm/videos

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Location


The Location

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. Acts 17:26

We are created by God.

God has a specific plan for our lives. God is planned and God is very much concerned with what we do. God isn’t only concerned with what we do with our lives, God is much more specific as to where we do the things he purposed us to do. He is concerned about the location we find ourselves in serving God and people.

God is a wise investor. He knows where to sow us for a maximum return. God is concerned about where we live and work. He is concerned about the people we work with. He is concerned about the neighborhood we find ourselves in.

God is not random. God is a purposeful God. God knows what He gave us and invests in us. He has been investing in a specific mission at a specific time and place.

Let's serve God and Let's do what He wants us to do and let’s do it in a place He wants to do it to the people He wants to do it for.

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

For More Articles https://www.facebook.com/abiy.dinsa.37/

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The Seasons


“As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22

There is a season for everything.

There is a seed time and a harvest time.

Seedtime is sowing time. Seedtime is giving time. Seedtime is scattering time.

Harvest time is receiving time. Harvest time is reward time. Harvest time is gathering time.

There is cold and heat.

Cold season is an uncomfortable season. Cold time is a sensitive time. Cold time is careful time.

Hot time is a relaxing time. Hot time is a comfortable time. Hot time is outgoing time.

There is a summer and a winter season.

Summer is a fruitful time. Summer is a happy time. Summer is an abundant time. Summer is beauty time. Winter is dry time. Winter is hiding time. Winter is scarce time.

 Ants have no ruler, no boss, and no leader. But in the summer, ants gather all of their food and save it. So when winter comes, there is plenty to eat. Proverb 6:7-8

There is day and night

The day is light time. The day is a bright time. The day is work time. Daytime is a busy time.

The night is a dark time. Nighttime is slowing down time. The night is limited time. The night is rest time. The night is contemplation and evaluation time. The night is planning time.

Here is no clear distinction between the two seasons at a specific time. In harvest time, we sow a little. In sowing time, we harvest a little. One season is intertwined with each other.

Every season has its own place and purpose in life. No season is relay better than the other. Seedtime is meaningless without harvest time. Summer isn’t without summer. Cold is meaningless without hot. The day is nothing without night.

There is no right and wrong season as long as we handle every reason appropriately.

Don’t reject any season, rather make the most out of every season.

Seasons are changed. We don’t change seasons. Let's focus on our seasonal challenges every season.

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

For More Articles https://www.facebook.com/abiy.dinsa.37/

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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Larger than life


If we don’t have any more meaning than just living, we are failures.

If we don’t have any more meaning than to eat and drink, we are failures.

If we don’t have any more meaning than just studying and having a job, we are failures.

If we don’t have any more meaning than just making money and spending it, we are failures.

If we don’t have any more meaning than to give to marry and be married, we are failures.

If we don’t have any more meaning than having children and growing them, we are failures.

If we don’t have any more meaning than to live and finally die like anyone else, we are failures.

One of the most important needs of humans is to have meaning in life, it is searching for significance. How important we are? Where do we fit in this world?

We are not hear without a purpose. We are not on the earth by accident. Furthermore, we are not on the earth by default, we are here by design.

We are created by God.

Even before we were created, God had a purpose for our existence. He created us because of that purpose He has in our lives. God didn’t look for a vacancy after we were born, God had had a vacancy to fill before we were born. God created us to fill the vacancy he had had before we were born. We are created to fill the vacancy. We are designed to fulfill the very purpose God had had before our birth.

Following that purpose fulfills the most important need of human beings.

Following our purpose is the only thing we spend our life on. Following God’s purpose for our lives is the only purpose that deserves our diligence and faithfulness. It is only the following God’s purpose in our lives that enables us to live a life well-lived.

The purpose of God is larger than life. The purpose of God existed before we were born and lives on after we leave the earth.

The purpose of God exceeds the limit of our earthly lives. 

Abiy Wakuma Dinsa

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